ARTECHNE – Technique in the Arts, 1500-1950


28 June 2016
DCR meeting room, Department of Conservation and Restoration, Universidade NOVA in Lisbon

Sven Dupré will host two CORES seminars at the Department of Conservation and Restoration at the Universidade NOVA in Lisbon, June 28

Professor Sven Dupré will be hosting two CORES seminars the 28th of June at the Department of Conservation and Restoration at the Universidade NOVA in Lisbon. He will discuss the ideas that won an European Research Council (ERC) Consolidator Grant for the project ARTECHNE: ‘Technique in the Arts: Concepts, Practices, Expertise, 1500-1950’.


  • Technique in the Arts: Concepts, Practices, Expertise, 1500-1950
  • On the Art of Glass and the Nature of Stones

Link to full programme here