
Experiencing Historical Techniques through the Color Black at the ROOHTS Summer School
*This blog was originally published on The Recipes Project on 01/11/2019* By Sharifa Lookman As October draws to a close, we feature yet another exciting article from our ongoing series of cross-postings on the hands-on, collaborative research project into recipes for Burgundian Black, organized by Dr. Jenny Boulboullé. Today, Sharifa Lookman provides another fascinating peek into the inner…
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A Brief History of Making Copper Objects. Part 3: Hammering, Hot and Cold Work
* This text is based on an essay originally written for the MSc in Conservation, UCL * By Mariana Pinto As mentioned before, techniques used in the arts can leave traces in objects, and these may help us to understand the manufacturing process of an artwork. In the first entry, a short introduction of copper…
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Learning from a ‘Living Source’ in Working with Historical Recipes: Reflections on the Burgundian Blacks Collaboratory
*This blog was cross-posted on the website of Jessie Wei-Hsuan Chen on 31/01/2019* By Jessie Wei-Hsuan Chen Between the 16th and 18th of January, I was invited to participate in the Burgundian Blacks Collaboratory.[1] For this workshop, experts from different fields joined forces to experiment with reconstructions of early modern black dyeing technologies based on a…
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Exploring Historical Blacks: The Burgundian Black Collaboratory
*This blog was cross-posted on the website of Refashioning the Renaissance Project (ERC) on 21/02/2019* By Paula Hohti In January, I participated in a workshop on historical black dyes in the Netherlands, titled ‘Burgundian Black Collaboratory‘, co-organised by Jenny Boulboullè from the ERC ARTECHNE research group and Claudy Jongstra—a talented and creative textile artist working…
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A Brief History of Making Copper Objects. Part 2: Casting Techniques
* This text is based on an essay originally written for the MSc in Conservation, UCL * By Mariana Pinto The ARTECHNE project investigates technique in the arts. Such techniques can leave traces in objects that may help us to understand the manufacturing process of an artefact. In the previous entry, a short introduction to…
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