ARTECHNE – Technique in the Arts, 1500-1950



Department III, Artefacts, Action and Knowledge Conveners: BuYun Chen (Swarthmore College, USA and MPIWG, Germany), Annapurna Mamidipudi (Maastricht University, the Netherlands and MPIWG, Germany), and Dagmar Schäfer (MPIWG, Germany) This interdisciplinary workshop interrogates the peripheral, intermediary, and ephemeral substances that have been critical to the historical formation of chemical technologies and the making of stable…

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TECHNICAL ART HISTORY COLLOQUIUM XVII: Conservation History and its importance

The Technical Art History Colloquium is organised by Sven Dupré (Utrecht University and University of Amsterdam, PI ERC ARTECHNE), Arjan de Koomen (University of Amsterdam, Coordinator MA Technical Art History), Abbie Vandivere (University of Amsterdam, Coordinator MA Technical Art History & Mauritshuis, The Hague, Paintings Conservator), Erma Hermens (University of Amsterdam and Rijksmuseum) and Ann-Sophie…

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CfP Trading Paintings and Painters’ Materials 1550-1800 (CATS Conference)

This call for Papers and Posters is for a two-day Technical Art History conference to be held by CATS in Copenhagen on 21-22 June 2018. The venue will be the National Museum of Denmark. The focus of the conference will be on the emerging international markets and their implications for the artistic production in Early…

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Project ‘Art DATIS’ receives NWO Creative Industries funding

The Dutch Organization for Scientific Research (NWO) has granted Smart Culture – Big Data / Digital Humanities funding of ca. € 500.000 for the project Digital Art Technical sources for the Netherlands: Integration and improvement of sources on glass for a Sustainable future (Art DATIS), by prof. dr. Sven Dupré (Principal Investigator; UU/UvA), dr. Marieke Hendriksen (UU), dr. Evangelos Kanoulas…

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Joint NICAS/TAH-COLLOQUIUM, 22 February, Amsterdam

The Technical Art History Colloquium is organised by Sven Dupré (Utrecht University and University of Amsterdam, PI ERC ARTECHNE), Arjan de Koomen (University of Amsterdam, Coordinator MA Technical Art History), Abbie Vandivere (University of Amsterdam, Coordinator MA Technical Art History & Paintings Conservator, Mauritshuis, The Hague), Erma Hermens (University of Amsterdam and Rijksmuseum) and Ann-Sophie…

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