
Report of Sven Dupré’s inaugural lecture: ‘De Kunst van het Maken’, by Ingeborg van Vugt
*This report was originally published on DWC on 13/10/2016* De kunst van het maken. Een verslag van de oratie van Sven Dupré Door Ingeborg van Vugt Op 10 oktober sprak prof. dr. Sven Dupré zijn oratie uit als hoogleraar Geschiedenis van de kunst, wetenschap en techniek aan de Universiteit van Utrecht, een lezing waarin hij zijn visie…
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Sven Dupré will give a lecture on ‘The Materiality of Renaissance Perspective’, 14 December 2016 at the University of Cologne
The background to this lecture is Sven Dupré ‘s conviction that we should consider the polysemy of perspective associated with the practice of perspective. The ways in which Panofsky’s “Perspective as Symbolic Form” continues to shape the historiography of perspective up until the present day blackboxes the various uses and meanings of Renaisssance perspective across different…
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Marieke Hendriksen will give a lecture on ‘The Art of Modelling in Plaster’ at Surgeons’ Hall Museums in Edinburgh, 15 November 2016
The Art of Modelling in Plaster: Transmission of Technique Between Anatomists and Artists at The Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh around 1800 It has long been known that anatomists and visual artists worked closely together in the production of anatomical atlases and models in early modern Europe, and that anatomists and other medical men…
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Technical Art History Colloquium VII – 17 November in Amsterdam
In order to ensure that you will be accommodated, please RSVP by Monday November 14: The Technical Art History Colloquium is organised by Sven Dupré (Utrecht University and University of Amsterdam, PI ERC ARTECHNE), Arjan de Koomen (University of Amsterdam, Coordinator MA Technical Art History), and Abbie Vandivere (University of Amsterdam, Coordinator MA Technical…
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International Conference: ‘The Materialities of Knowledge in Early Modern Cities’ – Antwerp, 18-19 November 2016
On 18-19 November, the international conference ‘The Materialities of Knowledge in Early Modern Cities’ will be held at the University of Antwerp. Registration: Keynote speakers: Prof. Stéphane van Damme (European University Institute Florence) Prof. Ann-Sophie Lehmann (University of Groningen) The full programme can be downloaded here. Co-production of the Urban Studies Institute (UA), the IUAP-project City and Society in the…
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