
Brill-Nuncius seminar: recorded
On the 29th and 30th of April 2021, the Brill-Nuncius seminar on The Making of Conservation Science took place. This seminar was organized by prof. dr. Sven Dupré (Utrecht University, University of Amsterdam) and dr. Esther van Duijn (Rijksmuseum Amsterdam). This seminar focused on the disciplinary formation of conservation science in the post-World War II period….
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The Making of Art Expertise Conference
Organisation: Sven Dupré, Jenny Boulboullé, Jill Briggeman, Esther van Duijn and Mariana Pinto Institutions: Utrecht University, University of Amsterdam, NICAS and Rijksmuseum Date: 8, 9 and 10 May 2019 Locations: UCK, Utrecht and Rijksmuseum Ateliergebouw, Amsterdam This conference focused on the development of a science-based conservation practice and the emergence of art history as a…
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Burgundian Black
Burgundian Black is a collaborative project on pre-modern black color technologies, in particular the famous Burgundian blacks that we can admire today in Flemish portrait painting. The project is a collaboration between the ERC project ARTECHNE (Utrecht University and University of Amsterdam), the Belgian Museum Hof van Busleyden in Mechelen, the Dutch contemporary artist Claudy Jongstra, the University of…
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