ARTECHNE – Technique in the Arts, 1500-1950


Clark Conference: now live

On 8-9 April, the Clark Conference will take place, organized by Clark Museum.

The conservation, preservation, and restoration of material culture has historically been closely joined to artistic practice and the study of the history of art. Over the last century, art conservation, art making, and the discipline of art history have become increasingly specialized and separated from one another—until recently. Developments in all three areas encourage a reconsideration of the innumerable threads that connect them to each other and to larger questions of cultural and environmental theory, anthropology, and philosophyIn this conference we will consider many past and present processes of maintaining, handling, reframing, and repurposing works of the past. Our aim is to put those methods into dialogue with wider frames of practice and thinking. The contributors to this conference consider how conservation involves forms of artistic making, frames philosophical examinations of time, shapes inquiry into human and non-human agency, focuses ethical debates about memory and identity, and models forms of inhabitation and cohabitation.

This is a live virtual conference. To sign up and to see the full program, follow the link to the website.