ARTECHNE – Technique in the Arts, 1500-1950


Fondazione Giorgi Cini: Study Day Discourse on Method. Prints and Illustrations in the Renaissance

Sixteenth-century Venice was a major European centre of woodcut and chalcographic production, as regards reproductions and original prints. An army of local and foreign artists, draughtsmen, engravers and printers worked in the many printing presses in the city, creating Titian, The Triumph of Christ, detail an unrivalled production in Italy in terms of both quantity and quality.

That century has left us a very rich, precious heritage of single-leaf images and books, only partially studied and catalogued, and long lists of masters and assistants, mostly unknown today. The study projects carried out within the Fondazione Cini are, therefore, of considerable importance: from the systematic cataloguing of woodcuts (Atlante delle xilografie italiane del Rinascimento) to the exploration of Venetian archival sources and the study of 16th-century images, following in the footsteps of the celebrated Prince of Essling. The various methods of study and different approaches to the same subject will be illustrated and commented by the curators on a study day planned for 16 October at the Fondazione Cini. The event will be attended by specialists, who have been invited to describe their own particular experience in the field.


For more information, see the programme or the website. Questions can be emailed to