TransPositions Summer School: Sensible Objects, Material Engagement, Skilled Expertise
Please download the call for applications here. Deadline: 22 February.
This edition of the TransPositions Summer School focusses on material culture and the senses. How can we investigate sensory experiences of past material cultures or cultures that are not our own? And how can we reconstruct in our studies the experiential richness of ephemera and material practices “lost in transmission” or only preserved in textual sources? The summer school approaches these questions across different disciplines including art history, archaeology, anthropology, conservation, musicology, performance and media studies, cognitive science, and religion- and science studies.
Invited keynote speakers (confirmed):
Ulinka Rublack (Faculty of History, Cambridge University)
Lambros Malafouris (Kebble College and Institute of Archaeology, Oxford University)
Rachel Prentice (Dept. of Science and Technology Studies, Cornell University)
Shigehisa Kuriyama (Dept. of East Asian Languages and Civilizations, Harvard University)