
PhD Defence Thijs Hagendijk: Reworking Recipes. Reading and Writing Practical Texts in the Early Modern Arts
For centuries, knowledge about arts and crafts has been passed on from generation to generation. But what role do instructive texts play in that process? On 29 June, Ph.D. Thijs Hagendijk MSc will defend his dissertation on this subject, entitled Reworking Recipes. Reading and Writing Practical Texts in the Early Modern Arts. Practical knowledge in writing In…
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Call for Applications: Fellowships at the Francke Foundations in 2021
For the sixth time, the Francke Foundations are awarding the Dr. Liselotte-Kirchner Scholarship. In addition to the already established scholarship program, the Francke Foundations will offer a residency program for the first time in 2021 to promote young scientists. The aim is to address young scientists between the bachelor’s degree and their first post-doc project, who want to…
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A PhD in the Arts – Now Possible in Maastricht
Getting a PhD in the arts is now possible in Limburg. It can be done at MERIAN, a collaboration in the area of artistic research between Zuyd Hogeschool, Maastricht University, and the Jan van Eyck Academie. MERIAN (the Maastricht Experimental Research In and through the Arts Network) is an environment in which selected PhD candidates…
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Vacancy: Assistant Professorship in Digital Visual Studies at the University of Zurich
The University of Zurich is looking for an Assistant Professor in Digital Visual Studies to advance visual research in the digital humanities. The professorship is part of the Max-Planck-funded cooperation project Digital Visual Studies, hosted by the University of Zurich and supported by the Bibliotheca Hertziana. It participates in the academic programming of the Digital Visual…
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Just Published: ‘Working (with) the Corps. The Body of Sands, Colors, and Varnishes in Ms. Fr. 640’, co-authored by Jenny Boulboullé & Maartje Stols-Witlox
Working (with) the Corps. The Body of Sands, Colors, and Varnishes in Ms. Fr. 640, an essay co-authored by dr. Jenny Boulboullé and dr. Maartje Stols-Witlox, is now online! It is a contribution to the digital publication Secrets of Craft and Nature in Renaissance France. A Digital Critical Edition and English Translation of BnF Ms. Fr….
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