
Vacancy: Doctoral candidates Theatre, media, and science history University of Antwerp
The Antwerp Research Institute for the Arts in the Faculty of Arts is looking for two full-time (100%) doctoral candidates in the fields of theatre, media, and science history The two PhD candidates will collaborate in an interdisciplinary ERC project called “Science at the Fair: Performing Knowledge and Technology in Western Europe, 1850-1914”, coordinated by Prof. Nele…
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Open Call – Research Fellowship ChromAz Project
The ChromAz Project (PTDC/HAR-HIS/1899/2020) is opening a position for a research fellow with a Master’s degree in Conservation Science, Conservation and Restoration, or similar fields. They are looking for a researcher with practical experience in analytical characterization of historic ceramic glazes and synthesis of glazes, glass, and/or pigments from historical sources. The work will be carried…
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Evenement: POLLINATORS. Kruisbestuivingen tussen kunst en natuur in de stad
Het Fentener van Vlissingen Fonds heeft een oproep gedaan aan alle makers: kunstenaars, designers, musici, film- en theatermakers en anderen om projecten in te dienen voor de nieuwe OPEN CALL: NATUURCULTUUR. Het Fentener van Vlissingen Fonds was op zoek naar plannen voor nieuw te ontwikkelen werken die de relatie tussen natuur en cultuur centraal stellen….
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Vacancy: Assistant Professor in History of Art, Architecture, and Landscape
The University of Groningen is looking for an assistant professor in History of Art, Architecture, and Landscape. The candidate will work in research, teaching (undergraduate and graduate courses, thesis advising), the preparing and accompanying excursions in the Netherlands and abroad, assistance in grant proposal writing, relevant administrative tasks. Education will comprise approximately 60% of the…
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Vacancy: Post-doctoral Fellowship in the history of sciences and techniques for the ERC project CHROMOTOPE
The ERC project CHROMOTOPE hosted by Sorbonne Université (Paris) in collaboration with the University of Oxford and the Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers (CNAM) is inviting applications for a 2-year post-doctoral Fellowship in the history of sciences and techniques to work on the 19th century colour archives (1850-1920) of the CNAM where the first…
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