
Brill-Nuncius seminar: The Making of Conservation Science, 29-30 April 2021
A Brill Nuncius Seminar on the Material and Visual History of Science. Organizers: Sven Dupré (Utrecht University/University of Amsterdam) & Esther van Duijn (Rijksmuseum Amsterdam) This seminar focuses on the disciplinary formation of conservation science in the post-World War II period. While the first half of the twentieth century witnessed the modest beginnings of a science-based conservation…
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Vacancy: Associate Professor in Conservation and Director of Masters Programme in Conservation of Contemporary Art & Media at London’s Global University, UCL
UCL History of Art is a successful medium-sized department, based within the Faculty of Social & Historical Sciences, with a very high international reputation. Academic staff have a wide range of approaches to the history of art, working across an expanded global geography and including interests in image cultures, the materials and materiality of art,…
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Summer course: From Print to Paint: Histories and Methods of Artistic Production
The course From Print to Paint: Histories and Methods of Artistic Production will immerse you in discussions related to artistic production and (re-)making, materials and materiality, and techniques and technology. It integrates research methods typical for the humanities and historical disciplines with practical work in your home lab. You will be introduced to issues in…
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Conference: ”Reconsidering Raphael” – Vassar College Department of Art
The conference Reconsidering Raphael, hosted by the Vasar College Department of Art, will be held online April 9-10, at the close of the anniversary year marking the quincentenary of Raphael’s death. This fourth session is devoted to technical study of Raphael’s work since the landmark 1983 Princeton Raphael Symposium: Science in the Service of Art History (co-organized…
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Vacancy: Postdoctoral Researcher – Digital Humanities (28 Months -1.0 FTE)
Vacancy: Postdoctoral Researcher – Digital Humanities (28 Months -1.0 FTE) You will work within the project Art DATIS (Digital Art Technical sources for the Netherlands: Integration and improvement of sources on glass for a Sustainable future). Art DATIS is a research project (2018-2023) within the NWO Big Data/Digital Humanities programme. The project is a collaboration…
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