Workshop ‘The art of dyeing silk’: Colour reproductions of historical recipes and dialogue about practical skills, 5 – 6 April, Amsterdam
After the successful results of the pilot one-day workshop “The Art of Dyeing Silk” in November (check here for a review of this workshop), the Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands (Rijksdienst voor het Culturele Erfgoed, RCE) will be organizing a new edition, this time in the format of a two-day workshop, on 5 and 6 of April 2018 at…
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Sven Dupré neemt deel aan publieksdialoog georganiseerd door De Nieuwe Utrechtse School: ‘Heelkunst, beeldende kunst en de klinische blik’, 25 april 2018.
Achtergrond De dialoog tussen de geneeskunde, de kunsten en de geesteswetenschappen is al eeuwenoud, en strekt zich uit van Aristoteles’ filosofische overtuiging dat de tragedie als kunstvorm de ziel zou zuiveren, tot aan relatief recente ontwikkelingen als “medical humanities”. Aan de Universiteit Utrecht kreeg deze uitwisseling van 1945-1960 vorm binnen ‘De Utrechtse School’ – een…
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Sven Dupré will participate as discussant in workshop ‘The Housing of Technology in Art’, 23 March 2018, University of Copenhagen
The workshop aims to explore the intersections and tensions between art and technology in the early modern era. It aims to bring together papers that nuance the standard narrative about material culture and adaptive technology to reassess connectedness. The workshop seeks to advance and develop the interdisciplinary scholarship that breaks down the boundaries that separate…
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Marieke Hendriksen awarded an Aspasia talent development grant for a visiting fellowship to Center for Science and Society, Columbia University
Marieke Hendriksen has been awarded a departmental Aspasia talent development grant for a visiting fellowship to the Center for Science and Society at Columbia University in New York city in May/June 2018. She will use her stay to do archival research at the New York Academy of Medicine for her new book.
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Renaissance Society of America has awarded Marieke Hendriksen a Digital Humanities Summer Institute Fellowship
Marieke Hendriksen has been awarded a Digital Humanities Summer Institute Fellowship by the Renaissance Society of America. She will use her fellowship to attend a one-week course on Linked Open Data and the Semantic Web at the DHSI at the University of Victoria (BC, Canada) in June 2018.
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