
Studiebeurzen voor studenten @ KNIR
Het KNIR verstrekt onder bepaalde voorwaarden beurzen en stipendia aan jonge wetenschappers die voor hun onderzoek in Rome dienen te verblijven. De beurzen zijn bestemd voor (R)MA-studenten, promovendi en postdocs van een van de zes universiteiten die bijdragen aan de financiering van het KNIR. Beurzen worden uitgekeerd voor een periode van max. 7 tot 10 weken. Daarnaast is een…
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Call for Papers: “Weight and Weighing Practices in the Early Modern Period: a Multidisciplinary Perspective.”
This workshop wants to bring together historians from different backgrounds to study the spectrum of connotations –both epistemic and cultural– that weight and weighing practices assumed in the early modern period. What were the roles, functions, and features of weighing in different fields? How did notions of weight and weighing change, overlap, or transfer across…
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Vacancy: scientific coordinator Lorentz Center
Lorentz Center has an opening for a scientific coordinator, in particular recent Ph.D. graduates are welcome to send an application. The scientific coordinator is part of Henriette Jensenius’ team that advises the applicants of workshops, within the full spectrum of academic fields, helps workshop organisers develop the format of their workshop, and supports all our scientific advisory…
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Claudy Jongstra in VPRO Mondo: about the Back to Black / Burgundian Black project
Artist Claudy Jongstra took part in the Dutch arts and culture tv-programme VPRO Mondo, in which Nadia Moussaid receives artists, writers, and other culture makers from home and abroad. In the show of October 18th, 2020, Jongstra talked about our Back to Black and Burgundian Black Projects. You can watch the full interview (in Dutch)…
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Recently Published: ‘Materials, Furnaces, and Texts: How to Write About Making Glass Colours in the Seventeenth Century’, by Thijs Hagendijk , Márcia Vilarigues & Sven Dupré
ARTECHNE’s project members Thijs Hagendijk, Sven Dupré and Márcia Vilarigues recently published their article ‘Materials, Furnaces, and Texts: How to Write About Making Glass Colours in the Seventeenth Century‘ in Ambix. The article discusses how Johann Kunckel’s Ars Vitraria Experimentalis (1679) arguably is the most important text on seventeenth-century glassmaking. As an augmented German translation…
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